Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Trip: Week 2 France (Where are we now?)

Our trip to France began with a beautiful sunny day and some great views of the white cliffs of Dover. After the congestion around London and the jam packed toll bridge over the river Thames it was a relief to be in the open air.

France was fun and a nice break.

We stayed in this nice caravan in France near Soissons. There were activities for the kids, 4 pools, 2 waterslides, a chateau, an onsite bakery, 3 little lakes, need we say more? We had a great time the only bad part was only spending 3 days there. It was a nice break for Jason to drive on wider roads.

French s'mores a la Zylstra.

2 lady fingers with a liberal amount of nutella on each, a roasted marshmallow.
Need we say more?

As we had decided not to go to Paris because as Jason explained I would have a mutiny on my hands we went to Reims for the morning so we could at least say that we had seen something of France other than our campground. The Cathedral in Reims is historically where the kings of France were coronated. This picture is one of my favourites. Dirk and Kiera were fascinated by the colours that the stained glass windows cast on the cathedral floor and here they are trying to wipe it up. In Dirks words, "the windows painted the floor."

This is the spot where the WWI armstice was signed in 1918. We tried to educate our children a little on this trip. We even, (labouriously because every other word Dirk had a good question), explained the legend of the poppies to them.

Here we are in the ferry terminal on our return trip to England from France, eating one of many picnic lunches. Then we were off upstairs to buy icecream so we could use up the rest of our Euros. Little did we know there was a 3 hour traffic jam waiting for us on the other side!

The Trip: Week 3

Here we are at Butlins Family camp in the southwest of England. We enjoyed ourselves in the pool, at the shows,(we met Bob the Builder and Wendy!!), and on the amusement rides.

Our third week in England was spent, appropriately, in the Southwest of England. We left France on Sunday visited Bath on Monday. We spent the rest of the week at a Family camp in Minehead called Butlins. The kids really liked it. The parents liked France better. Our children went to their first, but hopefully not last, English Pantomime. We learned that the common greeting is " 'all right then!" pronounced "rat en." And of course we got to see the world famous redcoats as pictured with Dayna.